Monday, March 5, 2012

a small bag of expensive nuts

Got your attention? hahaha
When it comes to excuses I've been trying to live by "if you want something you'll find a way, if you don't you'll find an excuse". So I won't give an excuse as to why February was lacking in blog posts (leap year...leap month?). Anyhooo as you know I'm still living with my's a tip for those who are also living with parents, if they try and bribe you to go grocery shopping by giving you their credit card and saying you can get whatever you want...DO it! Since I have lived on my own previously for four years I'm pretty good about looking at prices at the grocery store, but when it comes to the bulk section I'm not so good at guess-timating prices. Hence buying pecans for a salad, not paying attention at the till and later realizing that small bag of pecans was around $9! I told my mum I lost the receipt when asked....

Well the salad was delish! I drizzled a mix of butter and brown sugar on the pecans before putting them on the salad. I'm big on fruit in salads so I put some apple and pear in it too.

I also made the balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing. I've never made dressing before, it was really easy. Just a mix of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, Dijon mustard, garlic, and sugar. TIP the recipe for said dressing didn't tell me the serving size...I should've been able to figure it out due to the cups of liquid but again not so good at guess-timating. So I ended up having way more dressing than salad, but I put it in the fridge for a bit and used it once more then dumped it. I guess with homemade stuff it doesn't have an expiry date, I'm sure it would've lasted longer but I decided not to risk it.

Ring Ching!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bloody Scones

Sooo I've had my car for a year and a few days AKA I had to renew the insurance for the first time this past weekend. Being a lazy daisy I just drove to the closest broker to my house instead of with the company I did last year. Anyhooo I go in there saying give me what I got last year, showing them my ICBC estimate I got in the mail and the woman started asking me all these questions about adding this and that to which I felt a bit pressured to give in...the funniest was "we recommend 5 million liability not 2", to which I replied "you think someone would sue me for more than 2 million dollars?"...."well" she said..."what if you hit a bus, or a surgeon who will no longer be able to use their hands so you'll have to pay their wages." In the end I held strong but still had to pay $1177, oooo welll 'tis the life of an adult I guess.

Anyways thinking about car accidents reminded me of some scones I made. The recipe called for blueberries but I used raspberries which got quite messy...

Next time I think I would put a bit more sugar in them and won't cook them as long, but thankfully I had some leftover cream cheese icing from the blissful centers that I've previously posted about (they're so good I made them again).

Moral of the day, make sure you know where your money is going and question those who want more, ha!

Ring Ching,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back from Hiatus

So it's been a while...
Sorry! All the students out there will understand the stress of finals, papers, and projects. My program ended in June and my whole grade was the sum of my final projects so needless to say I had to focus. After school was over I had developed an aversion to typing, I was scarred from all the typing I had to do for my school assignments that blogging became one more task to complete sooo I took a break. Yes the break was long, but I had to wait until it would become a positive instead of a negative in my life...also if my sister, who is busy being a new mum, can blog than surely I can too haha, check her out @ 
Speaking of blogs, my dear friend Hayley in Ontario has started a new blog as one of her resolutions, I love the title and the reason behind the blog, check it out @

So even though I had the aversion to typing I was still baking! Like this cake for mother's day...yet another type of cake with apple in it; it's the third type I've tried, apples and cake are a great mix!

I also attempted to bake a carrot cake with cream cheese icing. It's a staple; everyone must know how to make carrot cake right? Well this one didn't turn out so well... I blame my sister's oven and her lack of sifter, although she denies any fault hahaha. As you can see it looks hard and sunk in the middle,

but when I flipped it out of the pan it didn't quite stay in a square and some parts were mushy, quite a funny moment...So i put it back in the pan to cook some more...

However like all things in life just add something sweet like icing and it makes it all better... well at least it looks better and my brother in law still really enjoyed it but, he's also know as a garbage disposal sooo I dunno how to really rate this one haha.

I know it's been a while since the summer, but my favourite recipe was strawberry salsa, I had never eaten a fruit salsa before, but it's delicious! Great for all the outdoor hang-outs and BBQs. There's jalapenos in it though so if you don't like spice, put less in or different peppers all together. I love spice so for me it was wonderful. The second time I made it I just did a half batch which was still plenty. Below is most of the smaller version (saved some for myself in the fridge); it had a range of strawberry size, from big chunks all the way down to the juice, this is a must try!

What's new with me? I've got two part-time jobs as an Educational Assistant and a Child & Youth Worker, so far so good!

Also I'm an auntie to the bestest snuggler I know, Maddox :) aka baby bean...Isn't he adorable!?!
I got a Snuggie as a secret santa present, he fit in the pocket!

I got him this monkey, so of course I had to pose him with it, what a great auntie I am ;)

He's gained at least 5 pounds since this picture was taken, so he's not exactly my baby bean anymore, more like my baby buddha! His face like his personality is becoming fuller and cuter by the day. LOVE HIM!

Until next time...

Ring Ching!