Monday, March 5, 2012

a small bag of expensive nuts

Got your attention? hahaha
When it comes to excuses I've been trying to live by "if you want something you'll find a way, if you don't you'll find an excuse". So I won't give an excuse as to why February was lacking in blog posts (leap year...leap month?). Anyhooo as you know I'm still living with my's a tip for those who are also living with parents, if they try and bribe you to go grocery shopping by giving you their credit card and saying you can get whatever you want...DO it! Since I have lived on my own previously for four years I'm pretty good about looking at prices at the grocery store, but when it comes to the bulk section I'm not so good at guess-timating prices. Hence buying pecans for a salad, not paying attention at the till and later realizing that small bag of pecans was around $9! I told my mum I lost the receipt when asked....

Well the salad was delish! I drizzled a mix of butter and brown sugar on the pecans before putting them on the salad. I'm big on fruit in salads so I put some apple and pear in it too.

I also made the balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing. I've never made dressing before, it was really easy. Just a mix of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, Dijon mustard, garlic, and sugar. TIP the recipe for said dressing didn't tell me the serving size...I should've been able to figure it out due to the cups of liquid but again not so good at guess-timating. So I ended up having way more dressing than salad, but I put it in the fridge for a bit and used it once more then dumped it. I guess with homemade stuff it doesn't have an expiry date, I'm sure it would've lasted longer but I decided not to risk it.

Ring Ching!

1 comment:

  1. delicious, but so expensive. That was probably better left unsaid!

    Great to hear from you again, gonna try out this delicious salad. I'm not very adventurous when it comes to's ALWAYS caeser for me so thanks for the idea! Keep up the wonderful work, love reading it!!
