Sunday, January 30, 2011

(not so) Giant Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Who doesn't love chocolate chip cookies!? Especially home made, right out of the oven ones...irresistible... literally these ones lasted a day at my house! The recipe calls these delicious treats "giant cookies" (makes approx 12-15), I stretched the batter to make 17 normal sized ones (at least in my opinion)... not sure how "giant" they would really be if I made only a few less, but normal sized to me might be humongous to others ;)

Eating some of the cookie doe could also have had something do to with the cookies' not so giant size.

Next I should probably do a recipe that doesn't involve sweets, seeing as how lately these are the 3 kinds of meals prepared in my house...haha.

Here's my 16 1/2 finished cookies I made (my brother was too impatient for me to take pictures of the finished product, hence the 1/2 cookie).

Ring Ching!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Wonderful World of PUMPKIN (Loaf)!

One of my favourite new flavours is Pumpkin! Most of my pumpkin experience has either to do with craving them at Halloween or pumpkin pie (not the biggest fan). However over the holidays I found this pumpkin tea (made by Stash I believe) which is delish. I started warming up milk in the microwave and putting the tea bag in it for a few's great for my early mornings when I'm not that hungry and in a rush (much more substantial that tea)'s basically a chai tea latte! I think it pretty much has the same ingredients like nutmeg, cinnamon etc... Anyways I made some pumpkin loaf which I also found to be delish, so if you're not the biggest fan of pumpkin pie like me but do enjoy the chai flavours then you'll love it too! Now I didn't thoroughly go through the directions (something I should work on) and didn't realize that the recipe made multiple loafs and I only had one loaf pan... I didn't want to be baking all day long so I decided to also make muffins! It was quite nice to have so much because then I was able to bring muffins over to my family members' houses, who doesn't love free already made food!?

Ring Ching!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Caramel Apple (Birthday) Cake!

I haven't always been a big fan of cake...I blame it on all those gross store bought cakes that are way too dry and have an abundance of nauseating custard and tasteless icing that every kid in elementary school had at their birthday parties. So when it came to my birthday I would usually opt for ice cream cake or cheese cake (YUM!). Getting older I've been trying new things and my palate has grown (although I have yet to try sushi) so I'm going to bake and cook everything in my two new cookbooks! First I tackled my fear of cake. For my mother's birthday I decided to make a cake, a caramel apple cake! The cakey part had your usually ingredients in it like flour and sugar, but I also chopped up a couple of peeled granny smith apples into it! Then I made the sauce to go on top which really made the cake because I put the sauce on the cake almost immediately after making it instead of drizzling it on top of every individual piece when serving it like the recipe said. It made it soooooooooooo MOIST. BEST CAKE EXPERIENCE EVER! Everyone loved it and scraped the dish clean, every last crumb! I hope you like my creative use of tea light candles!?  ;)

Ring Ching!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Just * Pure * Lovely

Arrow, wine carnation, that’s fraternity,
No longer a student at college πβΦ still means so much to me…
For health, for food, for friendships tried and true.
~I am a 2010 Ontario Gamma Alumna. I have moved back home to Victoria, B.C and am missing my Chapter while finding my way as an Alumna in the adult world. My mother bought be the two Pi Phi cookbooks for Christmas and I decided to do a “Julie & Julia” inspired blog and cook/bake these recipes and blog about them and my new Alumna Life!
PPL & Mine!