Wednesday, February 23, 2011

SNOW in Victoria (weird)

Grown up thing #2 - Take care of dog (and myself) for two weeks

So my mum went to Scotland for a couple of weeks (I'm 1/2 Scottish), I unfortunately couldn't go because I still have school and work :( Anyways I'm looking after her dog Isla and of course it was at the worst time because there was a snow storm (if you're not from Vic. this is quite rare) and Isla isn't much for cold weather (such a princess)!

I'm quite an independent gal but I'm living at home right now and some of the things that my mum does for me when I'm in a rush is lovely. She'll voluntarily scrape my windshield if there's ice or she'll toast me a bagel! So not having her there plus the dog plus the snow was interesting...hahaha, lets just say I was in more of a rush than usual to get to practicum in the morning. I couldn't find a shovel and ended up sweeping my stairs!!!

Here's the princess quickly enjoying the snow

after the initial shock she'd just make a yellow spot on the snow on the porch ( I don't blame her it was cold!)

but i did take her on walks too, here's proof mum!

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